13 Mar 2009

The Altantuya Foundation set up in Bangkok

Susan Loone melapurkan sebuah yayasan di tubuhkan memeringati Altantuya, di Bangkok. Yayasan ini kalau nak glamour lagi hendaklah lantik Najib Razak jadi penasihat ker, pengerusi ker. Najib sangat perihatin dengan nasib rakyat Mongolia yang di timpa malang.

Antara tujuan menubuhkan yayasan ini adalah untuk mengutip dana bagi menyara nasib dua orang anak Altantuya yang kehilangan ibu kerana di C4 kan. Anak yang kecil bernama Altansagai bin Najib, mempunyai dua kerakyatan, Malaysia dan Mongolia.

Namakan juga Rosmah Mansor sebagai tukang kutip derma. Dengan wang derma tu boleh la dia pergi shopping sakan di Paris atau London. Ulanbator tak ada Supermarket besar, Rosmah tak minat kesana.

Tapi kalau ke Bollywood tuuuu boleh la...
Now, this is one foundation you may want to donate to:

An association of independent journalists based in Bangkok and coordinated by French Liberation correspondent Arnaud Dubus has set up a foundation to offer material support to the family of Mongolian Altantuya Shaaribuu, killed in Malaysia in october 2006. The Altantuya Foundation aims to bring concrete help to Mr Shaaribuu, the father of the deceased, and her two children, Altanshagai (five years old) and Mungunshagai (12 years old).

“When i met Shaaribuu in Ulan Bator in January, he told me he has not bought clothes for two years as he could not afford it. This sixty year old man has to work on two different jobs,to be able to take care of this two orphaned grand children”, says Arnaud Dubus. “I am a journalist, but i also have a heart. I could not help feel compassion for the Shaaribuu family”, he adds.

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