8 Jan 2010

Sapa yang bakar gereja akan kena ISA

Hishammudin Aw Aw kata, sapa yang bakaq gereja akan kena ISA. Maka ramai la muka umno yang akan kena tahanan ISA termasuklah yang cuba timbulkan sentimen perkauman berkaitan isu kalimah ALLAH.

Salah sorang yang akan masuk dalam senarai tersebut mungkin "Zul Empat Kulim". Galak sungguh dia kempen dalam blog. Khalid Samad pun dia suruh keluaq dari PAS pasai tak mau lawan mahkamah tinggi yang bagi keputusan benar Katolik guna perkataan ALLAH dalam majalah Herald.

Khalid Samad cool, buat tak tau saja bila "Zul Empat Kulim" cucuk.  Buat apa dok lawan nooo, kot nanti kena hingus pulak. Buat kotoq baju saja.
clipped from thestar.com.my
KUALA LUMPUR: Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said the Government would not hesitate to use any means necessary, including the Internal Security Act, on anyone who threatens the security of the country.
He also ensured the safety of everyone in Malaysia, including the minorities.
Hishammuddin also said that the Inspector-General of Police has confirmed that three churches have been attacked.
“We have also received a report that a church has been threatened. The police will monitor all churches in the country,” he said.

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