6 Sept 2009

Ustat Najib alTantuya beri nasihat

Najib alThantuya mengingatkan supaya orang Islam menghormati penganut agama lain. Hujah beliau dirujuk kepada ayat 108 surah al-An'am.

Najib alThantuya terpaksa mengeluarkan nasihat ini memandangkan 20% bakal pengundi di Bagan Pinang adalah terdiri dari kaum India. Demo kepala lembu di Shah Alam baru-baru ini bakal menghantui BN dalam kempen pilihanraya kecil tersebut.

Rintitan daripada peristiwa "kepala lembu" di Shah Alam tersebut, maka golongan bukan Islam di Malaysia boleh buat pertimbangan sendiri mana lebih selesa, berada dibawah pemerintahan UMNO atau PAS.

MARAN - Muslims were reminded to avoid condemning or insulting other religions and the followers with their actions, but instead follow true Islamic teachings by respecting other religions.

najib-8.jpgQuoting verse 108 in the Al-An'am chapter of the Quran, he said Muslims were also forbidden from insulting or desecrating anything that the followers of other religions worshipped so that they would in turn show respect for Islam.

Najib said Prophet Muhammad himself, when setting up the first Islamic state in Medina and drawing up the Constitution of Medina, made Islam the thrust of his administration but allowed the practice of other religions.

Najib also called on Muslims to return to the real religious struggle by avoiding jealousy, hatred, backbiting, confrontation and incitement, and to address the ills such as poverty.

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